The Drop Box – a Lifesaver!


What is the Drop Box?

Pastor Lee and baby

Pastor Lee and baby

Pastor Lee Jong-rak, Seoul, S. Korea, is an amazing man who, together with his wife, has saved hundreds of babies from abandonment and probable death and he does it with a drop box.

But the drop box is only the beginning of this amazing man’s story.

See how much value this man has added to the human race!

I am humbled to think of how valuable this pastor is and how little the world knows or cares.

The videographer relates on camera that he came to film Pastor Lee saving babies but he was so overcome with the pure love of Pastor Lee for the babies and his convictions about the value of each one of them in God’s sight that he, himself, became a Christian.

He finished by saying that the film isn’t really about Pastor Lee but about the love of God for every human being.

The first video gives some background to the work of Pastor Lee and the crew who came to make a film about him.

The second video is the official movie trailer for the film which will be seen in theaters March 3, 4 and 5

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