Is Little Connie-Rose Seabourne The Most Beautiful Girl in the World?

Connie-Rose Seabourne


Down syndrome model toddler girl connie rose seabourne by Ross Parry

Down syndrome model toddler girl Connie-Rose Seabourne by Ross Parry

Connie-Rose Seabourne, a 23-month-old little girl in the UK with Down syndrome, has always received comments from her mother Julie’s friends for her beautiful smile. After they told her that she should try contacting a modeling agency, she did. Now, Connie has two contracts and is becoming a popular toddler model!





This is a story about a beautiful 2 yr old girl named Connie-Rose Seabourne.

Connie-Rose lives in the UK and was born with Down syndrome.

Connie-Rose’s parents are not discouraged or disappointed in their firstborn at all.

They look forward to loving her and seeing her grow.

That is a major part of the story – not a defective child but a beautiful child to love.

Her developing career as a child model was suggested to her parents.

This not not a case of them trying to find a way to exploit her.


Bored Panda


Mother and Daughter Photo by Ross Parry

Mother and Daughter Photo by Ross Parry

Bored Panda is a sort of unpredictable but always interesting website that selects much of its content from its followers.

It also adds feature posts written by its own staff.

Connie-Rose’s story is a feature post by Dovas of the Bored Panda staff.

The story is well written and photographed by Ross Parry so click the link below to get the whole story.


Connie-Rose Seabourne on Bored Panda


What Makes This Story So Special?


This story strikes a deep emotional chord or maybe several of them.

  • The beauty of this precious little girl
  • The ache for her Down syndrome
  • The curiosity of what Connie-Rose will experience as she matures.
  • The hope for her and the gladness that her parents so highly value her.


I hope this story evokes a variety of deep positive emotions in you.

Connie-Rose and others like her, even if no so beautiful, need to be seen as valuable and bathed in love and hope.

Don’t you agree?

Do you have any Down syndrome people in your life?

Care to share?




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