Nurse Shows Sacrificial Love And Changes Young Boy’s Life

Yuri at Johns Hopkins Hospital



What does it take to change a life – dramatically change a life.

Sometimes it is just a quick turn of the steering wheel or a word of encouragement that resonates deeply.

Sometimes it takes a major life change or sacrificial love to change the life of someone in need.

That’s the way it was with Yuri. He needed a lot and his nurse at the hospital and her family made a major life change with plenty of sacrificial love to give him just what he needed.

It’s a great story.


Loving Nurse Shows Love And Changes Young Boy’s Life

Yuri was born in Russia and abandoned as a newborn. He was given up for adoption the second day of life and taken to an orphanage. He was born with a major birth defect and wasn’t expected to live beyond at ten if not treated. A social worker found a foster family in Pennsylvania. This family was able to get him treated at the John Hopkins Hospital.


Watch and be inspired.



Yuri and Family

Yuri and Family

I love stories like this one. It was risky for Pam Butler to intervene and bring Yuri into her home. But the upside potential seemed worth it – and it was.

I don’t know if I would have done it. I like to think I would but I’m not sure.

How about you. Would you have taken Yuri in?



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