Nightly News According to Kids – a VERY FUNNY YouTube Video


Nightly News According to Kids

Apparently, these two charming kids, excuse me, Nightly News reporters have a tech savvy uncle who filmed and edited this unprompted and unscripted (how many 3-4 year olds can read???) newscast.

I found this video on but it originated on YouTube. GodVine has a variety of videos covering a variety of topics such as, faith, family, funny, etc.  They are all “family friendly” so check them out.

He must be a professional because the video effects look just like commercial TV!

Anyway, get ready to laugh – unless you’re Canadian.  Actually, even Canadians will enjoy it too, I think!



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Nightly News According to Kids – a VERY FUNNY YouTube Video


I appreciate it.

Dick S

Dick S


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