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Facebook Admits to Blocking Pro-Life Ads – Should This be Allowed?

social media

Electronic Censorship

I have been reading and hearing a lot about censorship by big tech companies like Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and media companies using their market power to influence public opinion in obviously biased directions in the name of presenting “news”.

Have you?

Depending on who you listen to, there may or may not be deliberate bias involved. It may be ideological censorship or political bias (or a combination of the two). Selfish economic actions likely are a factor as these companies seek ways, ultimately, to improve their ratings and profits. It’s difficult to separate out any single driver of the perceived abuses and bias.

The loudest voices are conservatives who claim bias against conservative views on moral/religious issues like Pro Life, gay marriage and related gender and issues. It’s also about political views and suppressing advertising related to these or other “conservative” issues in the public square. Now the the call is for action.

Some voices want their views to be treated equally by the big tech companies through direct laws or regulation by the Federal Government. Others want these same companies to be broken up to reduce their power in a less regulated marketplace.

Meanwhile, the big tech companies defend themselves as being caught in the middle of opposing ideologies. They say they have insufficient guidance from government about where and how they should take any actions to interfere with the information that any user or viewer or listener wants to present on their platforms.


A Facebook Censorship Example

A recent example involves Facebook. It illustrates the difficulty in determining if, when, and how a big tech company should become involved. Facebook chose, on its own initiative, to limit information from some participants in a public issue being brought up for a citizen vote.

Click the link to read an insightful article by Mikaela Mathews on the Christian Headlines website about just such a situation.

Facebook Admits to Blocking Pro-Life Ads During Irish Abortion Vote


Some Questions

I am curious about whether you are aware of and concerned about this bias/censorship issue.


I have put together a 4 question 1 minute survey below.  I would really appreciate your no strings, anonymous response. OK?

Here is a preview of the survey questions.


  • Is there a big problem with electronic bias/censorship?
  • Are the problems with companies and information products that are currently under Federal Government regulation by laws and/or regulations?
  • Are the problems with companies and information products that are not currently under Federal government controls?
  • What approach to improving or eliminating the bias/censorship problem do you favor?


Take the Short Survey



Please use the Share Buttons and/or email the post link below directly to your friends. The more responses the better.

Facebook Admits to Blocking Pro-Life Ads – Should This Kind of Censorship be Allowed?

Thanks. I appreciate your participation. – Dick S

If there is sufficient interest in this subject, I will follow it it up with more posts in the future.



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