Faith in Humanity Restored October 2014 Edition

Restoring Faith in Humanity

We lose faith in humanity all too many times when there is some kind of need within sight of people but they turn the other way and don’t want to get involved.

I remember many years ago the horrifying story of Kitty Genovese who was being mugged on a street in New York City and as she resisted, her assailant began to stab her.  She cried out for help over a period of nearly one-half hour and nobody did a thing – no help with the attacker, no help when he departed leaving her seriously wounded and no help as she died on the street.

As the news media covered the story they wondered out loud how could we become so unaffected by the helpless cries of a dying middle-aged woman. How could such a thing happen? Where is our sense of compassion and duty to do something – anything to help. No calls were placed to the police or to any emergency agency. Nothing.

Unfortunately, we still hear too many stories like this.

And bad news seems to draw a lot of attention on TV or in print.

But I am convinced that there are more good stories than bad but they just don’t get enough exposure.

That said, here is a video that catalogs several incidents that show that there is still reason to believe in the basic humanity of people when confronted with other people in difficult or even desperate circumstances.

The video is titled Faith in Humanity Restored October 2014. It has over 2 million views, so far.


I should note that the scenes shown in the video are taken in Europe not here in the U. S.

Do you think we are as compassionate or more or less so?

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