Chuck Colson from Prison to Prison Fellowship and More – A Hero of the Faith

Chuck Colson




Charles Colson Born Again

Charles Colson Born Again

How did I find out about Chuck Colson’s life story?

I have read 6 of Chuck Colson’s best selling books, starting with his life story (up to that point) Born Again.

It is a powerful story of politics, deception and lying, arrest, trial and prison…and powerful, irrevocable and transformational life change conversion to Christ when he was at the end of his rope.

I was very impressed by his story… but little did I or anybody else know what a redemptive and tremendously effective life story lay ahead.

Here is a small taste of the activities and impact of the life of Chuck Colson – a true Hero of the Faith.


Prison Fellowship


Colson autographing in Prison

Colson autographing in Prison

Chuck Colson founded Prison Fellowship in 1976, two years after being released from federal prison. The impact of this non profit, worldwide organization is far beyond his imagination or wildest dreams.

Here is an excerpt from the Prison Fellowship website.



The story of our founder is a testimony to God’s grace and mercy.

In 1974, Chuck Colson, a former top aide to President Nixon, voluntarily pled guilty to obstruction of justice on Watergate-related charges and served seven months as a new Christian in Alabama’s Maxwell Prison.

I found myself increasingly drawn to the idea that God had put me in prison for a purpose and that I should do something for those I had left behind.

In his best-selling memoir, Born Again, Chuck wrote, “I found myself increasingly drawn to the idea that God had put me in prison for a purpose and that I should do something for those I had left behind.”

Colson emerged from prison with a new mission: mobilizing the Christian Church to minister to prisoners. He founded Prison Fellowship in 1976, which has become the world’s largest outreach to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families. In recognition of his work among prisoners, Colson received the prestigious Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion in 1993.

On April 21, 2012, Chuck Colson passed away. His legacy continues, however, in the work of Prison Fellowship, and in the lives of the many people his ministry has touched.


You can learn more about Chuck Colson and the work of Prison Fellowship at their website:

Prison Fellowship



Chuck Colson the Author


I have seen various counts of the published works of Chuck Colson from 20 to 30 titles.

I personally have read and reread 6 of his “major” works.

  • Born Again
  • Loving God
  • Against the Night
  • How Now Shall We Live?
  • Kingdoms in Conflict
  • The Body

These and others I have not (yet) read reflect Colson’s increasingly urgent conviction that the future of our world is being secularized and divided along Christian and non Christian lines with Christians being more and more persecuted.

He stated his case for his views in his earlier books then turned more toward how we should conduct our lives in the light of the secularized, anti Christian culture around us.

His ideas and well researched material (thanks to Nancy Pearcy his researcher and co author) have sold in the millions of copies and influenced Christian thinking worldwide.


The Colson Center for Christian Worldview


Colson Center for Christian Worldview

Colson Center for Christian Worldview


Colson’s worldview interest spawned an entity called The Colson Center for Christian Worldview. The Center has been spun off from Prison Fellowship to focus on developing leaders who understand and espouse the need for a comprehensive Christian worldview.
Here is an excerpt from its About webpage:


  • The world is confusing. We bring clarity.
    Founded by Chuck Colson (1931 – 2012) in 1991 as a daily radio broadcast, BreakPoint provides a Christian perspective on today’s news and trends via radio, podcasts, video, and print.
  • Our culture is broken. We equip restorers.
    Throughout the year, we allow people to delve deeper into the most difficult cultural questions, and meet real people who are bringing light to the darkness. Our annual Wilberforce Weekend in Washington, D.C. is a gathering of heroes, where nearly a thousand people gather to be inspired and equipped for cultural restoration. Regular webinars, short courses, local speaking events, and other opportunities allow people to gain mastery of tricky topics and bring leadership to their families, churches, workplaces, and communities.
  • Christians are shaped by culture. We prepare them to shape it.
    The Colson Fellows Program is a nine-month long, intensive worldview course with readings, webinars, and residencies that prepare Christians to become leaders for Kingdom change. It’s designed for CEOs, teachers, pastors, young professionals, stay-at-home moms—anyone who wants to be empowered to be an effective advocate for God in their sphere of influence.


The entire Colson Center for Christian Worldview website is at


Why I think Chuck Colson is a Hero of the Faith


God has established a pattern through the ages of using frail, sinful men and women to accomplish great things for His kingdom.

Moses, David, Esther, Apostle Paul – to name a few.

Chuck Colson is on the same list. He even said as much on the video above when he said he had no intention of spending his life on prisons and prisoners.

“Man proposes but God disposes.” is a fitting reply to Colson. It is quote from The Imitation of Christ by the German cleric Thomas à Kempis. I don’t know where they heard it but my grandmother and my mother used it liberally as I was growing up and complaining about my plans going wrong.

For the worldwide influence in prisons, prisoners and criminal justice reform, for his written insights on the faith and the secular world and for his selfless devotion to upholding the principles of biblical faith in the face of an increasingly hostile culture, I call him a true Hero of the Faith.


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