Carl and Ellie and Life

Carl and Ellie


This is my Valentine post this year. I can’t think of any better way to show how a fulfilling life together can get started, move through the major events of a wonderful love relationship and finally come to a close. Its not giddy or trite cartoon. Its a creative way to look at a successful relationship between one man and one woman for life.



Carl and Ellie Fredericksen star in two of my all-time favorite YouTube videos.

Both are segments of Up, a Pixar creation that showcases not only magnificent animation but also wonderfully written and directed, poignant storytelling.

They cover first, the childhood meeting and, second, the married life of Carl and Ellie.

The first has something for everybody. Kids like the first video segment and grownups like both that part and the rest.


UP! Carl Ellie – YouTube from mostafa serag on Vimeo.



Memoir fans will immediately see a powerful memoir presentation.

Romance aficionados will see a poignant love story.

What do you see?

What does it mean to you?


Did You Know?


Joseph Baxter, in an article in writes the following:

In an interview with Yahoo!, Pete Docter, who co-directed Inside Out, discusses a fateful cutting room decision that almost affected the course of your cinematic emotional state of mind during his last feature, Up. Apparently, one part from the famous Carl and Ellie “Married Life” montage in which Ellie is despondent upon learning that she will not be able to have children was the source of several “notes” from the studio, thinking that it may have been pushing things too far. Heeding the criticism, the scene was temporarily cut. However, something was clearly lost. According to Docter:

“You didn’t feel as deeply [without the scene] — not only just [with] that sequence, but through the whole film. Most of the emotional stuff is not just to push on people and make them cry, but it’s for some greater reason to really make you care about the story.”




I’m glad they left the scene in. Anyone who has experienced this kind of scene in their own life or family knows the depth of meaning it has.

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