Enjoy the Sights and Sounds of the Salzburg Area of Scenic Austria

SlikaSalzburg by Bostjan Burger


My only contact with the sights and sounds of the Salzburg area of Austria comes from the movie The Sound of Music.

If you have seen the Sound of Music, you have seen much of the beauty of Austria in the summertime, even though the plot of the movie had some very serious aspects.

Here is a short peek at the beauty of the Salzburg area in both (HD) video and in classical sound.

There is also a side trip to Hallstatt, the home of the original European salt mining industry for many centuries.


The Video



A lot of beauty there in both sights and sounds!

My wife, Lynn, and I are thinking about doing a river cruise somewhere in Europe and as I search, I’ll show you some of the possible places we (and you) can consider.

Salzburg and a cruise on the Danube are on the list.


Deutsch: Flusskreuzfahrtschiff Sound of Music ...

Deutsch: Flusskreuzfahrtschiff Sound of Music im Deutzer Hafen in Köln. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



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Dick S

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