Sir Nicholas Winton, Age 106, “The British Schindler” Saved 669 Children

Nicky's Family

Sir Nicholas Winton

Sir Nicholas Winton died on July 1, 2015 at the age of 106. At a clear-minded 105 years of age he still expressed his amazement at the impact of his actions in 1938-39.

There are 5700 people alive today because of the rescue of 669 children in Prague days before WWII broke out and closed all the borders.

If you Google his name you will find a number of tributes to him and they are worth your time.

Here is a three minute movie trailer from a film titled Nicky’s Family that tells the story one man’s determination not just to read about a problem but to work on it with passion and ingenuity.

Take a look.



This second five minute video repeats some of the story but is important because it illustrates the story of a large number of young people who were willing to take on a project with the same passion and ingenuity that Sir Nicholas had displayed in an effort to promote him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

This effort fell short, however.



I love to hear news stories about ordinary people doing heroic things.

There aren’t enough of them these days. And there’s too much bad news.

Don’t you think so?

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Sir Nicholas Winton, Age 106, “The British Schindler” Saved 669 Children


I appreciate it.

Dick S

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