Here’s a Change of Pace on Thanksgiving Dinner with Friends!

Tiny Hamster Thanksgiving Dinner


Usually we think of Thanksgiving Dinner as a time shared with our family.


This painting is by 19th Century American artist Jennie Augusta Brownscombe, who was termed “a kind of Norman Rockwell of her day.”

Sometimes we include members of our extended families from distant places and that makes the occasion even more special.

Thanksgiving is also a time (in the U.S, anyway) of remembering the origins of our country – the Pilgrims who suffered greatly to secure their freedom of religious expression.

They celebrated a successful harvest after their first autumn/winter was one of sickness, near famine and many deaths.

Heavy stuff and well worth serious reflection.

No kidding!



Almost 400 years later the mood of Thanksgiving season has shifted noticeably.

We still celebrate with our families by sharing a meal, usually a turkey dinner with “all the trimmings”.

We watch football games – and games – and more games on TV.

And many of us prepare to battle the hoards of bargain hunters on Black Friday.

Sound familiar?

Change of Pace

Well, here’s the change of pace.

A “different” way one “Pilgrim” has chosen to celebrate the occasion with his “friends”.

Get ready for a laugh!



Happy Thanksgiving to you and any little “friends” for whom you may be serving a special dinner!


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