Before I Formed You in the Womb – By Christian Artist Ron DiCianni


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jer 1:5 NIV

Christian artist, Ron DiCianni says this is the story of his life. Ron’s mother was in her doctor’s office for an abortion and at the very brink of starting the procedure by an injection when she heard the audible voice of God saying “Do not do this. I have a plan for this baby.”

Ron’s artistic abilities were not in any significant demand by the Christian church community so he turned to the commercial world where his work was featured by many well known companies and authors.

It was only when God interrupted his successful commercial art career with a clear “NOW” was Ron called actively and directly into God’s plan to use his talent in the Christian world and for God’s purposes.

Before I Formed You in the Womb – The Painting

While the painting is deeply rooted in Ron’s own family history it also reflects his own convictions (and mine) about abortion as a tragedy and a blight in our current culture.

The painting illustrates the intimate connection of God the Father and Jesus his incarnate Son in the development in the womb of a new creation made in the image of God and with a preordained plan.

The Video


Please use the Share Buttons and/or email the post link below directly to your friends. And, if you know of any women who may be considering an abortion, step out in faith and send this post to her with a positive word of encouragement to choose life. As Ron DiCianni observes, you may save the life of a baby formed in the image of God and destined by God to find a cure for cancer or  some other way to further His purposes.

Before I Formed You in the Womb – By Christian Artist Ron DiCianni

Thanks, I appreciate it. – Dick S

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