Two Abortion Survivors Tell Their Stories on Focus on the Family


Watch and Listen as Two Women Describe their Experiences as Abortion Survivors

On April 9, 2019 the Focus on the Family daily half hour radio and YouTube broadcast featured a discussion with Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family and Melissa Ohden and Claire Culwell, both survivors of attempted abortions.

Melissa and Claire are some of the relatively small number of abortion survivors that can and do speak out graciously in favor of choosing life from the unique perspective of very nearly never experiencing life themselves.

I strongly encourage you to watch both of these nearly 30 minute videos. You lose a lot of the personhood if you only read the transcripts.

That said, if you want to read the transcripts of the two parts they are available at these links.

Part 1

Part 2

Now here is Part 1featuring Melissa’s story.

I can’t comprehend how a living breathing outside the womb baby can be left to die. Can you?

This second video features Claire’s story which describes a medically impossible to survive situation that she survived. Was it the hand of God?

Both of these wonderful women are advocates for choosing life over choosing abortions.They represent the potential that is lost in each aborted preborn baby, and now even fully born babies.

If you know anyone who might be considering having an abortion, share this post with them and ask them to go to the Focus on the Family website where they can find many kinds of information that may help them to choose life for their pre-born baby.


Please use the Share Buttons and/or email the post link below directly to your friends, especially anyone who may be considering having an abortion. You may save the life of a preborn baby and salvage a life of regret by a desperate, pregnant woman who didn’t know how to choose life.

Two Abortion Survivors Tell Their Stories on Focus on the Family

Thanks, I appreciate it. – Dick S

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