World Vision, I Like Giving, and Me – What Ties Us Together?


What/Who is World Vision?

World Vision’s Mission Statement is summarized as follows


We are a Christian organizationworking to help communitieslift themselves out of poverty. For good.

There is a lot to World Vision so its definitely worth checking their website out in more detail.

What/Who is I Like Giving?

Frequently Asked Questions

I Like Giving is an organization that exists to create a more generous world. We share stories to inspire people to give in big and small ways. 

I like Giving is a small organization, especially when compared to the world-wide reach of World Vision with its large budget, staff and array of life-changing programs.

I like Giving is inspirational, however, and its stories have both illustrated ways to give to needy situations and inspired readers/video watchers to create their own giving projects.

How do I, Dick Stannard, fit into these two these two organizations?

Well, I have been a financial supporter of World Vision for decades. My wife, Lynn, and I even crossed paths with a World Vision team in Tanzania while we were on a group photo safari. They were drilling deep wells to provide clean, clear water to a village of Maasai people who otherwise had to carry jugs of water on their heads or on burros backs for miles each day to survive.

World Vision is a Christian organization and does its work around the world “in the name of Jesus”.

And, I discovered the website I Like while searching for something inspirational to curate into a blog post.The first thing I found was a video story titled.

I Like Adoption

I featured this video story in a post that has become one of my most viewed posts of the 7 years of my blog. I hope that popularity has driven more traffic to this very worthwhile website.

I encourage you to spend some time there.

So, what caused me to link these two organizations and myself today?

I decided to check out the I Like Giving website after a long absence and I found an absolutely charming video. It will touch your heart and may even inspire you to figure out some unique way to give something to fill a need somewhere in this needy world.


An Inspirational Story, Wasn’t It?

I don’t know about you but I was thrilled to see a 5-year old girl tell her Dad she had an idea to do something for children in need in a far away land. I was also thrilled to learn of a dad who had regular Saturday “dates” with his daughter and was clearly fostering an atmosphere of instruction and character building while having a good time.

Is there some young person you could do something like this with?

Is there some young person I could do something like this with?


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World Vision, I Like Giving – and Me What Ties Us Together?

Thanks. I appreciate it. – Dick S

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