Adventure is Calling – Incredible HD Timelapse Video by Shane Black

Adventure is Calling

I love this piece of HD timelapse Video.

When you see it, I think you will, too.

The principal photographer is Shane Black.

I found this video, and many more on a website called

This site has a wide variety of content that it believes you “can love”.

I guess that may have an element of individual taste involved.


Adventure is Calling – the Incredible Timelapse Video

Here is the opening paragraph of Shane’s description of the project, hosted on Vimeo.

Adventure Is Calling
from Shane Black  

This summer, two friends and myself all left our comfortable jobs of six years to spend two months traveling across the country and teaching photography workshops along the way. We all felt that it was time to take a risk and get out of our comfort zones… adventure was calling us. It was a trip filled with endless hours cooped up in a van, exploring breathtaking landscapes, sharing stories and laughs, meeting some of the nicest people, making new friends, getting to meet old friends from around the country, and sharing our love of photography with others.


The quality and composition of this video is sensational.

And, if you like stargazing, stargazing in slow motion HD is really better than “being there”.

Well, was it worth 5 minutes of your time?

Want to see more?

Here is the link to Shane’s website and it’s worth checking out. Everything Shane does mesmerizes me!

Photography and Timelapse by Shane Black



Please use the Share Buttons and/or email the post link below directly to your friends. This incredible video is well worth sharing.

Adventure is Calling – Incredible HD Timelapse Video by Shane Black


I appreciate it.

Dick S

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