Rick Steves Tours the Doges Palace in Venice, Italy in HD Video

Venice via blackdreamer.com

Venice and the Doges Palace

Venice is a really spectacular city, and one of its most famous buildings is the Doges Palace.

My wife, Lynn, and I can personally attest that Venice is a great city to visit, perhaps best in late spring or autumn away from the heat of mid-summer.

I was fortunate to be part of an international conference and spouses were welcome (and paid for!).

The conference was done in five-star fashion, including special tours, the best restaurants, and finest accommodations.

I have to admit that all these extras were offset, to a degree, by the emphasis on seafood, which is not on my most wanted foods list.

The city is a marvel of architecture, geographic uniqueness, and charm.

The Doges Palace and the adjacent Saint Mark’s Cathedral front on Saint Mark’s Square which is the hub of tourist activity.

Saint Mark’s Cathedral is worthy of a separate post which I will undertake in the future.

Lynn and I enjoyed self-guided and professionally guided tours in Venice, including Doges Palace.

Rick Steves does a better job than we could ever do, however.



You can find out lots more about Venice and the Doges Palace at these Wikipedia links:




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Rick Steves Tours the Doges Palace in Venice, Italy in HD Video

Thanks. I appreciate it. – Dick S



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