Christopher Duffley Blind, Autistic Boy Sings Praises With Perfect Pitch

I Can Only Imagine

A Prayer for the Value of Life

Remind us that Your thoughts and purposes for every unborn baby are vast and outnumber the grains of sand. You have ordained the days of their lives and those days are written in Your book even before one of those days has come to be. I plead with You to convict us all that these lives need to be protected so that You may fulfill Your purpose for each one of them.

excerpt from – A Sanctity of Life American Family Association Bible Book Mark

Thank you Lord for saving Christopher Duffley and showing, once again the value of life.

Christopher Premature Birth

Christopher Premature Birth

Christopher Duffley is a Miracle

Christopher Duffley’s survival of extremely premature birth was in serious doubt.

He was given up to foster care as a blind infant.

He was adopted by his aunt and uncle and he was discovered to have autism and perfect pitch at an early age.

Christopher Duffley on Stage

Christopher Duffley on Stage

His development has been amazing.

In this video, his story is told by his adoptive mother – his aunt.

He then sings a Christian song titled “I Can Only Imagine” which imagines what it would be like to meet Jesus in heaven.

This song is very moving for any person of faith but even more moving to think about a blind, autistic person meeting Jesus, whole and seeing.

Watch and be inspired.


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Christopher Duffley Blind, Autistic Boy Sings Praises With Perfect Pitch


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