Dignified Transfer: A fallen soldier’s final journey home

Dignified Transfer

What is Dignified Transfer?

Dignified Transfer 2

Dignified Transfer 2  Ground Transport Home

It is the process for returning the remains of U. S. armed service members after their deaths on active duty.

The process is the same for all service members.

It is sad, emotional, respectful and a process that we U. S. citizens should be proud that our government and our citizens take part in.

The cliche “its the least we can do” aptly applies but isn’t really sufficient.


Unfortunately, there are many YouTube videos of Dignified Transfers.

I chose this one because the professional CBS News TV crew did a great job.

The video also shows us, as citizens, what roles we can play when one of these transfers occurs in our own home area.



It was hard for me to do the research for this post and it is a hard post to read/see.

It is also an important process to know about and to lend our prayerful respect to, in general, as well as when the fallen one is from our community.

I hope you find this newly acquired knowledge helpful.

I did.


Dignified Transfer 3 Burial

Dignified Transfer 3 Burial



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 Dignified Transfer: A fallen soldier’s final journey home 

Thanks! – Dick S

Dick S cropped

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