I Like Adoption.

I like Adoption

Look what I found – a post called I like Adoption.

I discovered it on a great website called I Like Giving.

The site’s About page includes the following statement.


We long for something else.

I Like Giving is a non-profit created to inspire a generous world. The website http://ilikegiving.com/ serves as a platform for unique storytelling and idea sharing. I Like Giving believes a generous world is a better world for all of us and wants your action, not your money. Go check out a story today and then go create one of your own.


This is a perfect fit for my worldview and the kind of content I like to put on this blog.


I Like Adoption Video

The video below eloquently tells the story of how it can be “more blessed to give than to receive” – Acts 20:35.



My wife, Lynn, and I have the privilege of knowing a family that has adopted several children (but not as many as the Dennehy’s!) including, from foreign lands and one with very serious physical problems.

They are the perfect example for me, in the flesh, that the Dennehy family so beautifully describes and displays on the video.

I also have a relative who has rescued and adopted an abandoned Chinese girl baby. She is now a beautiful young woman whose life is full of promise. Her parents feel the same as the Dennehy’s — they have received more than they have given, even though they have given very generously.

There are more uplifting stories on http://ilikegiving.com/.

Maybe you should bookmark the link like I just did!



Please use the Share Buttons and/or email the post link below directly to your friends. It’s a great story.

I Like Adoption

And do come back often. There are a lot of inspiring and some challenging stories and important information here in My World.

Thanks. I appreciate it. – Dick S


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