The Jive Aces present: Bring Me Sunshine

Special Update:
When Covid's Over - Bring Me Sunshine
I Wanna Eat and Dance again! - Dick S
Special Update:
When Covid's Over - Bring Me Sunshine
I Wanna Eat and Dance again! - Dick S
I just found this cute and lively video that captures the theme of my website – no more bad news here – only “good news tastefully presented”.
Enjoy the next few minutes and then take a look over the past several posts and see if you can see the contrast between the evening TV news, the newspapers, and even a lot of the online websites that leave you depressed, terrorized, profaned, and wondering if there is anything good left to report on.
I hope you’ll say “How could I miss the contrast”?
The Video – Bring Me Sunshine
This was a cute way to make an important point – the news you see and hear is the news that attracts eyeballs and advertisers. It is not representative of the bulk of activity that shows that compassion, generosity, integrity, and faith are the real mainstream qualities of our people.
That’s the kind of activity I try to present. I can make one small dent in the news but if you join with me in passing the word we can start something that can go viral!
Please use the Share Buttons and/or email the post link below directly to your friends. Bring them a little sunshine and then some more good news.
The Jive Aces present: Bring Me Sunshine
Thanks! – Dick S