Fantastically filmed video – Travel Alberta – (remember to breathe)!

Travel Alberta Screen Shot

The Travel Alberta – (remember to breathe) video is unlike any other travel I have ever seen.

I have seen a lot of travel videos from tour promos to cultural or educational or historical places and from animals to flowers and landscapes.

Some are poorly filmed and don’t really get the intended message across.  Others have quality filming but don’t capture the essence of the place.  You might say these are just pictures (moving, of course) but they are not “art”.  They don’t reveal the soul of the place.  Still, others are well filmed but poorly edited.  They don’t tie varying scenes into a coherent whole.

Well, friends, Travel Alberta (remember to breathe) has done all things well.  In fact, the producers and crews have now done dozens of short videos about Alberta.  There are seasonal videos that follow the changing outdoor face of Alberta during the course of the year. There are topical videos such as horseback riding, skiing, water activities and others.

But the one that started it all is this one – Travel Alberta (remember to breathe).  This three- minute HD video has the technical side done exquisitely.  The actual content – actors and actresses, animals, settings convey a sense of adventure, joy, challenge. They combine to transport the viewer so close to the actual real-world places and actions, that it really is almost like being there – and two million YouTube viewers must have agreed because the numbers keep growing.


P.S.  I am not in any way connected to Alberta or its promotion.  I’m just awed by what they been able to achieve in presenting their message to the world.



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Fantastically filmed video – Travel Alberta – (remember to breathe)!

Thanks. I appreciate it. – Dick S

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