Pizza -Where Was Its Birthplace?

English: Picture of an authentic Neapolitan Pi...

English: Picture of an authentic Neapolitan Pizza Margherita taken by Valerio Capello on September 6th 2005 in a pizzeria (“I Decumani”) located on the Via dei Tribunali in Naples.. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How Did Pizza Get its Start?

The video below recounts a slice (pun intended) of the history of pizza.  Naples lays claim to being the place where it was first put into common use back as far as the 16th century.



More Detail

Wikipedia tells you more than you need to know about this fascinating bit of history and you can decide how much detail you can stomach (another pun intended) by clicking on the link and seeing for yourself.

It is also generally believed that pizza emigrated from Italy in the late 19th century to a few of the large cities of the U. S. – New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago – and gradually spread from there.

How do you like your pie?  I’m partial to a thin crispy crust, plenty of tomato sauce, and mozzarella cheese and sausage.



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Pizza -Where Was Its Birthplace?

Thanks. I appreciate it. – Dick S

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