On Safari in Tanzania – Part 1

King of the Jungle



Africa, I have wanted to go to the Serengeti Plains to photograph big, wild animals in their natural habitat for decades.  My wife, Lynn, wasn’t keen on the idea of sleeping in tents in the wild but she finally agreed and in October 2010 we were on our way, traveling with another couple we have known for many years.

We were advised to choose Tanzania over Kenya because Tanzania had a longer and more favorable track record of  peace and calm than Kenya.  Both countries border the Great Serengeti Plains on opposite sides of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Lynn did a great job compiling a written journal while I was busy taking 1800 still photos and hours of HD video (mostly from a bouncy Land Rover) so we have plenty to share.

Here is a rapid fire introduction to our trip. As you will see (briefly), we saw a lot of animals, birds, flowers, people and landscapes during our 11 day safari.

My plan is to do a series of posts (don’t know how many just yet) that will include some narrative text, some photos and some video clips.

Stay tuned!




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