Great Castles of the World – Windsor Castle, England

Windsor Castle





Our Visit to Windsor Castle


My wife, Lynn, and I had the good fortune to visit Windsor Castle in the mid 1980s on a fast-paced visit to the London area following a business trip to Lausanne, Switzerland.

We only had three days and nights and we packed in activities so tightly that we hoped all the travel, weather and performance and meal schedules would cooperate.

They did!  We had a marvelous time with many great memories.

One of those fond memories was a day trip to several sites in and around London that included an afternoon at Windsor castle. The mild and sunny summer day was perfect and our bus tour guide was very informative.

Punk Cult Fashion 1980s

Windsor, England

As we approached the village of Windsor, our guide began to relate the rich heritage of the area and the historic details of Windsor Castle and the centuries-old relationship between the building and grounds and the reigning royal family.

She concluded her introduction with a typically British reserved comment alerting us that we would also encounter significant numbers of multicolored (as in pink, purple, chartreuse, lime, etc.) “Punks” who, on those summer days, liked nothing better than to show disdain for royalty and heritage.

She was right!

Even with the modern “Punk” flavoring, the day was a marvelous experience.


A Nice Video Tour


While I couldn’t find any videos featuring Windsor’s Punks, I did find a nice tour video that will give you a good tourist’s eye view of the castle and grounds.






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