Category Archives for "Faith"

New Focus – New Name – New Look


Introducing Christian Living in a Secular World New Focus – New Name – New Look Starting today, the name of this website is – Christian Living in a Secular World. The web address remains Why? What’s Going On? I analyzed traffic to My World As I See It over the past 5 years and […]

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I Am Lauren Scruggs and I Am Second

Lauren Scruggs Accident Interview

  Lauren Scruggs’ was a 23-year-old model and fashion editor when her life changed dramatically in an instant on December 3, 2011. Lauren walked into the path of an airplane propeller as she exited a small plane. She was severely injured, losing one eye and her left hand, but she has a unique outlook on […]

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A True Story of Miracles by a 7th-grader

Girl in Prayer (not Marta) is a great source of inspiration in the form of short stories, free ecards and sayings and quotes. All of the material is available for free sharing and its worth your time to check it out! …Dick Courtesy of The staff at Inspire 21 was extremely pleased to receive this inspirational story about […]

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True, You Can’t Make Your Kids Love God, but You Can Do This—And It Could Change Everything in Your Family–Forever

The Chan Family

  A popular post on was titled: True, You Can’t Make Your Kids Love God, but You Can Do This—And It Could Change Everything in Your Family–Forever It was basically an HD quality video that runs 10 minutes and that was and still is worth every minute of your time. Faithit commented that it […]

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I AM SECOND – Rapper Lecrae – Dramatic Testimony

I am Lecrae and I am Second

Intro Rapper Lecrae has a powerful story and he is telling it everywhere. Lecrae’s life went “down the tubes” as he went through his teenage years. He rebelled against the advice of his Christian grandmother to read his Bible by tearing out the pages. He looked everywhere for “significance” – but he looked in all […]

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Nick Vujicic, No Arms No Legs But What a Life


Imagine getting through your busy day without hands or feet. Picture your life without the ability to walk, care for your basic needs, or even embrace those you love. Meet Nicholas Vujicic (pronounced VOO-yee-cheech). Without any medical explanation or warning, Nick was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without arms and legs.

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I am David Ring and I am Second

David Ring

 I Am Second Website I recently discovered a unique Christian website that has a series of monologue videos all filmed against a black background with a white leather chair for the interviewee. The whole modern, “avante-garde” style sets its approach apart from most Christian sites. I am Second means second to Jesus Christ. The […]

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Nick Magnotti Dying of Cancer – Extraordinary Video to His Daughter (and us)

Nick and Alyssa Magno

Nick Magnotti is a 27 year old new father who has been battling cancer for over 2 years. The cancer originated in his appendix and spread throughout his abdominal cavity, despite many efforts to curb the cancer’s aggressive nature. Through all the treatments, multiple surgeries, intense heated intra-peritoneal chemotherapy treatments, seventeen rounds of systemic chemo […]

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Little Miracles – Listo the Lizard

Listo the Golden Gecko

per A True Story By Samantha Mankin Age 16 The worst day of my life was the day I lost my best friend. I had just came back from a camping trip with my grandparents. Listo, a golden gecko and my friend for more than two years, had to stay behind with my mom. […]

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Just As I Am – Billy Graham

Cliff Barrows, Billy Graham Crusade Choir Director

Introduction to  Just As I Am and Billy Graham Billy Graham is the reason I am a Christian today. I’ve written two posts over the past year about Billy Graham and how his life and ministry has intersected with mine. Now I’d like to add another feature or factor in the story. The hymn Just […]

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