Five Lessons About How To Treat People – A Quiz I Failed Courtesy of — Author Unknown 1. First Important Lesson – “Know The Cleaning Lady” During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz with a lesson in how to treat people. I was a conscientious student and […]
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Intro Some of you out there are too young to have heard of Martha Raye and that’s too bad. Martha had a lot to offer. She entertained on TV and in the movies as a “clean” comedienne with an oversized mouth – literally. But more important than entertaining you and me, she entertained combat […]
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With the college basketball March Madness Tournament in full swing, I wanted to say something about the greatest things I remember about this sport over the years. There’s Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlin, Larry Bird, Bill Russell, and many others. The great dynasties of the Boston Celtics, the L. A. Lakers, the Chicago Bulls and […]
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Some time ago I posted about Fred Rogers receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1997 Emmy Awards Ceremonies. The post was well received and continues to be found in my archive by visitors who like to poke around the site and those who Google “Mr Rogers” and find the post that way. The link […]
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What Did Mrs. Leonard Say? I’m not quite sure of the source of this story so I can’t vouch for its authenticity. Even so, it is a story worth your time and it may be even more than that to some people. The photo is not the girl in the story. It’s just an illustration […]
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I found this story on a Christian message board. I don’t know if it is fact or fiction. I do know this: it brought a tear to my eye! Will you let it bring a tear to your eye? Jimmy Dorche’s Thanksgiving Dinners For a Homeless Bag Man or Bag Lady It was […]
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A Soldier’s Pledge President Ronald Reagan delivered this highly emotional Soldier’s Pledge speech on May 26, 1983 as a Memorial Day tribute to those who sacrificed for our freedom. It is simple, yet eloquent. And it recalls patriotism at its best in a unique pledge by one particular soldier. It is as relevant to […]
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This What Goes Around story is an example of the kind of story that people today are getting too skeptical to believe. Read it and then see if you are a skeptic or a believer. I received this story from a friend several months ago but I don’t know the source so I can’t vouch […]
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This is a TRUE STORY — Author Unknown (The story is essentially true but the details have been glamorized by some literary license. See the link at the conclusion) – Dick S Howard Kelly the Hungry Boy is Given a Big Glass of Milk One day, a poor boy, who was selling goods from door […]
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General Douglas MacArthur was a controversial military figure. I have looked at some of the accounts of his long military career and I can’t form an intelligent opinion as to his triumphs and his blunders as described by his biographers. All agree, however, that he was an important part of our history in the first […]
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This is a repost featuring the History of “Taps” narrated by John Wayne. Be sure to dwell on the words that are often overlooked when we hear the bugle version. The history of the bugle call “Taps” was recorded by John Wayne and is now available as an audio narration of a mostly static video […]
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This is a truly inspirational remembrance of the cost of freedom started by a young boy and his father a year before the events you will see in the video that has gone viral worldwide ever since it appeared in July 2014. This is how it all began… an excerpt from Blog Bio Page […]
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A True Story by Jaye Lewis (used with permission) Courtesy of Steve, a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents, was about to be lost forever, by the U.S. education system. Remarkably, he could read, yet, in spite of his reading skills, Steve was failing. He had been failing since first grade, as he was […]
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Courtesy of is a great source of inspiration in the form of short stories, free ecards and sayings and quotes. All of the material is available for free sharing and its worth your time to check it out! …Dick By Roger Dean Kiser Our Last Litter This was the last litter […]
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Bob Hope is My Idea of an American Hero As a young person I always enjoyed Bob Hope and his antics in his black and white movies and later on TV. It took me longer into my adult life to appreciate how great a hero he was. Bob performed for the brave troops in WW2, […]
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Early Thanksgiving Proclamations Excerpt courtesy of The First National Proclamation of Thanksgiving was issued by the Continental Congress in November of 1777, following the Colonial victories over British General John Burgoyne in the Battles of Saratoga. In the Proclamation, Congress “recommended to the legislative or executive Powers of these United States to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth […]
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JJ Watt isn’t one of my favorite football players because he doesn’t play for my team, the New York Giants. But JJ is one of my favorite people. Why? Because he is a hero. Some heroes do something that affects a lot of people, like shooting down the plane that would have sunk an aircraft […]
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What is Dignified Transfer? It is the process for returning the remains of U. S. armed service members after their deaths on active duty. The process is the same for all service members. It is sad, emotional, respectful and a process that we U. S. citizens should be proud that our government and our citizens […]
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A Policeman Tribute by Paul Harvey Paul Harvey was a well-known Radio News commentator for decades – and to most people a national treasure. Harvey broadcast a policeman tribute. It has been supplemented with video and makes its way around the internet. Take a look and then drop a comment below about what you think […]
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How Much is a Mother’s Love Worth? Meet Our Founder – Marc Mero Marc Mero experienced his first crisis at age eight when his parents divorced. He grew up in a single-family home in a poor section of New York, but wrote down his dreams and goals, setting his sights on athletics. Marc […]
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D Day June 6, 1944 D Day was the day of the Allies assault on Normandy, France beaches, most famously, Omaha Beach. Much has been written, spoken and filmed about this day, in one film dubbed “the Longest Day”. Now, over seventy years later, the immensity of that day both in military terms and in […]
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Intro The Dutch people (among many other countries and peoples) suffered greatly during WWII. Their country was occupied and ruled by the German forces for nearly the entire duration of the war. Under the circumstances, they had no alternative but to hope for the military assistance of the Allied forces to come to their rescue. […]
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How can you tell what’s important and what is not? Your heart can often tell you what your head can’t! One of my Facebook friends shared this a while ago. As I have done some research on it, I have found that it has appeared several times and places on the internet. It is well […]
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Intro Today you… Tomorrow me is a great story that caused me to rethink some of my own fears about helping strangers – being a “Good Samaritan”. I know there are potential dangers in stopping to help someone on the roadside in apparent need. News stories document some horrible results of attempts to be […]
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