It is Well With My Soul – How I First Heard the History I don’t know about you, but I grew up attending church with my parents and singing many different hymns out of a hymnal to the point that I can now (over a half-century later) still sing them almost perfectly word for word. […]
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The Best First Date Headline The headline, together with an interesting photo, caught my attention on a Facebook post so I clicked to see what the best first date would be like. The content marketing people all say that its the headline that is most important. If the headline is boring the reader will quit […]
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Is the Government Killing God in the Military? There seems to be a concerted effort to eliminate God from the military ( and almost everywhere). I have been reading and seeing on TV news that our military is being scrubbed of references to God and religion, specifically, Christianity. Training manuals are being secularized. Military Chaplains […]
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