My Favorite Christmas Movie – The Christmas Story I watch a lot of movies between Thanksgiving and Christmas and almost all of them relate to Christmas. How about you? My favorite is The Christmas Story with Ralphie and his BB gun. Some of the movies are serious depictions of the birth of Jesus and I […]
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Jenny and Santa met Face to Face Jenny and Santa met face to face at our front door when she was 4 years old! Click the Play arrow and listen while you read! Burl Ives – Rudolph The Red – Nosed Reindeer (If you are reading this story to a child, please […]
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About Grandma and Santa Claus I don’t like to put things like Grandma and Santa Claus by “Author Unknown” on the blog because there’s no way to verify them. Once in a while I’m willing to do it when its really not crucial to the point of the story whether it is true or not. […]
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Christmas Reunion The Christmas Reunion story has been around the internet for several years. It may appear verbatim, as it is here, or it may have been “edited” by well meaning people along the way. No matter how it appears it is an engaging, poignant story. – Dick S True Story – […]
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Thanksgiving and Norman Rockwell – a Great Combination (Originally posted for Thanksgiving 2013 and slightly updated in 2014) Thanksgiving time seems the perfect time for a Norman Rockwell picture. The younger generation may not be very familiar with Norman Rockwell but my generation surely knows a lot about him and his work. His […]
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I found this story on a Christian message board. I don’t know if it is fact or fiction. I do know this: it brought a tear to my eye! Will you let it bring a tear to your eye? Jimmy Dorche’s Thanksgiving Dinners For a Homeless Bag Man or Bag Lady It was […]
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A Soldier’s Pledge President Ronald Reagan delivered this highly emotional Soldier’s Pledge speech on May 26, 1983 as a Memorial Day tribute to those who sacrificed for our freedom. It is simple, yet eloquent. And it recalls patriotism at its best in a unique pledge by one particular soldier. It is as relevant to […]
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This What Goes Around story is an example of the kind of story that people today are getting too skeptical to believe. Read it and then see if you are a skeptic or a believer. I received this story from a friend several months ago but I don’t know the source so I can’t vouch […]
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This is a TRUE STORY — Author Unknown (The story is essentially true but the details have been glamorized by some literary license. See the link at the conclusion) – Dick S Howard Kelly the Hungry Boy is Given a Big Glass of Milk One day, a poor boy, who was selling goods from door […]
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My Halloween Comments As a writer looks over Halloween historical facts or what the historical writers believed to be facts, it is hard to be fully objective . Part of me wants to make purely “academic” observations and part of me wants to try to interpret what I have read through the lens of my […]
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This Little Girl’s Prayer Saved a Dying Baby’s Life. And You Won’t Believe What She Asked For! I found the story of A Little Girl;s Prayer on, a Christian-themed site that features a variety of content in word, song, and video. Most of its material is curated from other places on the internet. […]
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The History of Halloween I have had mixed feelings about blogging about Halloween. In one sense, Halloween in the U. S. today is simply a commercialized holiday pretty devoid of the traditions, both pagan and Christian, that were at its origin many centuries ago in Europe. As such, the interest in blogging about it might […]
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Mother and Daughter – Last Goodbye “I love you, I wish you enough.” I overheard a mother say to her daughter, in their last moments together. They had announced her plane’s departure and standing near the door. Her daughter replied, “Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever […]
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What does the term “finishing strong” mean to you? A race? Your education? Your military service? Your career? Your marriage? Here is a poignant video of a man and his dying wife in hospice with only a short time of life left. Both of them are finishing a marriage of 73 years STRONG – at […]
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How Do You (and I) Measure Value? This is a story about value. What do we value most – and least? It is an all too common story but it makes a potentially life-changing point. Enjoy. Maybe change your life, too. Courtesy of Author Unknown Jack and the Old Man It had been […]
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General Douglas MacArthur was a controversial military figure. I have looked at some of the accounts of his long military career and I can’t form an intelligent opinion as to his triumphs and his blunders as described by his biographers. All agree, however, that he was an important part of our history in the first […]
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I originally posted this baseball item a week before news of Yogi Berra’s passing broke. I took it down out of respect but I think it’s OK now because many humorous remembrances of Yogi are being published and spoken with fond, respectful intent. So here is a fictional story that sounds like it could […]
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The Way, Way Back Background When I was a a kid in the middle of the last century (ouch, that sounds discouraging!), I spent a lot of time outdoors having fun or searching for friends to figure out what we could do to have some fun. When the homework and assigned […]
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What is “Acoustic Curves”? Acoustic Curves is one of the early releases of Animusic. It debuted in July, 2009. It appears to match music to animations in clever ways. It was recently re-released- in 1080p HD video. Who is Animusic? As I looked into it, I found that the producer, Animusic, has a unique approach […]
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How Did Pizza Get its Start? The video below recounts a slice (pun intended) of the history of pizza. Naples lays claim to being the place where it was first put into common use back as far as the 16th century. Watch. More Detail Wikipedia tells you more than you need to know about […]
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My Photo Galleries! Let’s Take a Tour. It’s been quite a while since I posted anything about the 11 photo galleries that reside on this blog. So, I decided to start a tour series to highlight each gallery over the next several weeks. This is the fourth post in the series. The first one was […]
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The Day I Met Daniel Who Gives Out Bibles Claim: Pastor encounters down-at-the-heels traveler who hands out bibles.Status: True. ORIGINS: We first saw this story circulated on the Internet in 2001. Although many copies omit mention of its author, the essay is the work of Richard Ryan, the assistant pastor […]
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This is one the first of those wacky Taco Bell emails that everybody forwards to all their friends until the whole world has seen them. You may have already had the fun of seeing it, but if not, I think you’ll get several laughs. Enjoy! $5.37 That’s what the kid behind the counter at Taco […]
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Nat Geo vs Dick’s Camera My wife, Lynn, and I went to Tanzania on a photo safari in 2010. We saw an amazing variety of animals, plants, and local peoples that changed many of our preconceptions about Africa, preserving the wild and the incredible creative power of God in His design of the planet. For […]
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