It is Well With My Soul – How I First Heard the History I don’t know about you, but I grew up attending church with my parents and singing many different hymns out of a hymnal to the point that I can now (over a half-century later) still sing them almost perfectly word for word. […]
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Back in 1932, I was 32 years old and a fairly new husband. My wife, Nettie and I were living in a little apartment on Chicago’s Southside. One hot August afternoon I had to go to St. Louis, where I was to be the featured soloist at a large revival meeting. I didn’t want to go.
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I wanted to have an Easter Sunday post that reflects some of the flavor of the church services that I have attended on Easter Sunday over the years. Unfortunately, there isn’t any quality video available that gives the sounds and the “feel” of the services I remember.
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Hallelujah, Easter Version by Kelley Mooney – How Did It Come About? This is an updated version of an earlier post. In the meantime, the video went viral on and recorded over 5 million YouTube views. The first time I heard the song Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen was when K D Lang sang it […]
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George Younce is a hero of Southern Gospel music and one of my very most favorite Christian singers. George is way more than a Christian musician or Gospel singer. And he is way more than I know or am able to describe from personal experience. But he is a man and a life worth […]
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This is a marvelous 4+ minute video of a interview with world-renown artist Ron DiCianni who was commissioned by the Museum of Biblical Art in Dallas, Texas to paint the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the video, Ron explains how he came to understand the resurrection of Jesus Christ and says that God gave […]
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Its cold and snowy across much of the U. S. and its cold even in Central Florida where my wife, Lynn, and I spend half of our year. We just missed a frost last night! So this seemed to be the perfect time to visit this cold and snowy scene in New York City some […]
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This Little Girl’s Prayer Saved a Dying Baby’s Life. And You Won’t Believe What She Asked For! I found the story of A Little Girl;s Prayer on, a Christian-themed site that features a variety of content in word, song, and video. Most of its material is curated from other places on the internet. […]
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The Day I Met Daniel Who Gives Out Bibles Claim: Pastor encounters down-at-the-heels traveler who hands out bibles.Status: True. ORIGINS: We first saw this story circulated on the Internet in 2001. Although many copies omit mention of its author, the essay is the work of Richard Ryan, the assistant pastor […]
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This is the remarkable story of one man, a monk named Telemachus, whose revulsion by the senseless violence of the Roman gladiator fights-to-the-death led to the end of this brutal practice – at the cost of his own life. There are some differences in the details of various versions of the historical writings on […]
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With a heavy heart he said, “Your lab report came back and it says you have cancer, and Edith, you’re not going to live very long.”
Edith said, “Why Will Phillips, shame on you. Why are you so sad? Do you think God makes mistakes?
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In 1979 she found out she had cancer. For the second time. The first time, in 1965, resulted in a hysterectomy. This time Eddie had an inoperable brain tumor.
“I’ll go home, and take care of my kids,” she told the doctor. “If it’s the Lord’s time for me to die, I’ll die. If not, I’ll live.” Two months later, the tumor was gone.
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Part 1
Whatever Happened to the Rich Little Poor Girl?
Catching up with Eddie Ogan, author of “The Rich Family in Church”
by Kimberly Claassen
(This story has appeared several times and places on the internet in recent years. I am going to tell the story in three parts in separate posts in this Easter season. – Dick S) By Eddie Ogan (female) I’ll never forget Easter 1946. I was 14, my little sister Ocy was 12, and my older […]
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Story Number One – The Best is Yet to Come! Courtesy of Attributed to Roger William ThomasSubmitted to Ann Landers by Kay in California A woman was diagnosed with a terminal illness and given three months to live. She asked her Pastor to come to her home to discuss her final wishes. […]
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The Church Triumphant – Then and Now The original performance of this song written and performed by Gloria and Bill Gaither was in the mid 1970s nearly 50 years ago. It has been sung by and at successive groupings of the Gaither music enterprise that spans over a half century and is “alive and well” […]
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Here is a catchy response to “The War on Christmas’ that many people feel is occurring. Take note of the choir’s initials! There must be a lot of interest in this topic because the video has over 7 million views. Your Reactions to the War on Christmas, Please I’d really like your feedback […]
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I looked and looked for something appropriate for Veteran’s Day and when my eyes fell upon this poem titled A Soldier’s Prayer, I stopped looking. Most emergency personnel like the military, police, firemen, doctors, etc. are really people we hope not to see or need. A consequence of this, I believe, is that we don’t […]
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This post features the I AM Second story of Jessica Long titled Anger Defeated. Jessica was born in Russia to parents who could not care for her since she suffered from severely under developed lower legs. She was put up for adoption and adopted by a family in Baltimore, MD. She experienced deep feelings of […]
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This story was written by Father John Powell, a retired professor at Loyola University in Chicago. Father Powell is advanced in years, but the story is still fresh in his mind and he confirmed that it is true, according to A TRUE STORY about an Atheist Theology Student Who Was Found by […]
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COMMUNITY is a church that began as the dream of five friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God. Services were first held in the Naperville Central High School cafeteria, and 8 years later COMMUNITY launched its first additional location in Romeoville, IL. […]
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A Prayer for the Value of Life Remind us that Your thoughts and purposes for every unborn baby are vast and outnumber the grains of sand. You have ordained the days of their lives and those days are written in Your book even before one of those days has come to be. I plead with […]
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Do You Know Who Stuart Hamblen Is? Note. I try to check out the stories I post before posting them, especially if they are “Author Unknown”. says this story is mostly true with only a few minor inaccuracies or embellishments that don’t interfere with the basic truth of the story. – Dick S Back […]
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One of my favorite Christian songs from several years ago is Thank you For Giving to the Lord by Ray Boltz. The song tells of several seemingly small and sometimes even unknown “gifts” of service that forever changed the lives of people who who are already in heaven when the gift giver arrives and […]
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